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Friday, December 9, 2016

What is computer Software?

What is computer Software?

What is computer Software?

Computer software, or just software, is a set of instructions that direct a computer's processor to perform specific operations or tasks. In fact anything stored on the computer electronically is known as software. Also software is any part of computer that we can see by our eyes but we cannot touch it physically.

Types of Software

Software is divided into two categories, System Software and Application Software. Systems software is the type of software that includes the operating system and utilities that enable the computer to function and process data or information.

The Operating Systems are very important programs used for controlling other programs especially Application Programs. The following are the most common used Operating Systems in the PCs and other types of computers:-

  1. Windows Operating system (The property and Product of the software company known as Microsoft Corporation).
  2. Mac Os (designed and distributed by the Apple Inc.
  3. Linux
  4. Unix

Application software is the type of software that is designed for enabling users to perform productive tasks, including typing documents (Word-processing Applications, i.e. MS-Word), calculating mathematics (Spreadsheet Application, such a MS-Excel), browsing the Internet (Web browsers) as well as presentations Application, i.e. MS-PowerPoint and others. The following are examples of Application Software:-

  1. Microsoft Access
  2. Microsoft Internet Explorer
  3. Microsoft PowerPoint
  4. Google Chrome
  5. Microsoft Excel
  6. Microsoft Word
  7. Microsoft Publisher, etc.

Related tutorials:

What is a Computer?
What is an Operating system (OS)?
What is Microsoft Windows Operating system?
How to install Windows XP in your PC
How to install software/programs in windows os
How to uninstall Applications from your computer system

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